It isn’t just that he holds the NFL record for catches in a single game (twenty)or that he’s the most feared wide receiver in the game. It’s also his penchantfor unique self-expression — spiking the ball on the midfield Texas lone star infront of a hostile Dallas Cowboy crowd, pulling a Sharpie from his sock to signa game ball after a touchdown, and dancing with a cheerleader’s pom-poms after anotherTD. Never politically correct and always controversial, Terrell Owens has transformedhimself into “TO,” the outrageous gridiron personality who rocked theentire NFL and sports landscape. But Owens is more than touchdowns, dancing, andcelebrations. In this insightful book, he’s full of sharp-eyed observationsabout the demanding, insane phenomenon that is pro football. In Catch This!Owens takes readers back to his hardscrabble childhood in rural Alabama, where hewas raised by a stern grandmother and loving mother. At the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga,the once small, bullied boy transformed himself into a very large man with a superbody and iron will to succeed. He takes us behind his apprenticeship to — and eventualeclipsing of — the legendary 49ers wide receiver Jerry Rice. He pulls no puncheswhen it comes to his extremely public fight with San Francisco coach Steve Mariucci– they didn’t speak at all during the crucial final weeks of the 2001 season. And,finally, he lets loose on the free agent scandal that shook the NFL in 2004, revealingthe truth behind the NFL’s attempt to deny him free agency and his landingwith the Philadelphia Eagles. For those who think they know both Terrell Owens and TO, catch this story.
Catch This! Going Deep with the NFL’s Sharpest Weapon by Terrell Owens & Stephen Singular
Published: 01/01/2004