In seeking to understand current threats to our voting security, STOLEN FUTURE conducts a breathtaking historical excavation of a still-controversial “cold case” — the disputed, nail-biter 2000 election count in Florida, the results of which were ultimately decided by the Supreme Court.
What really caused thousands of votes to be invalidated? Stephen Singular aimed to find out — and he uncovered shocking secrets about the extent to which our trusted elections mechanism is at risk. But his story was never told. Instead, it was suppressed, ignored, and ultimately buried. Until now, that is — at a time when we need to know everything about whether or not our votes really count.
We have ignored this issue to our growing peril. Time and again over the years, we have seen proof that our machinery for choosing leaders is fragile and vulnerable. But what are the origins of this most serious of problems? Was the 2000 election an anomaly, or have votes continued to be compromised? Was it really progress when the United States abandoned paper ballots in favor of an electronic voting mechanism that’s clearly vulnerable to hacking and manipulation?